Thursday, March 09, 2006

Prevent the Disbanding of Stage1 Boosters

Dear parents & students:
The Executive Board is considering the dissolution of the Stage1 Rocket Boosters Club due to lack of participation. At the March meeting we will be presenting an amendment to move elections to the Spring instead of at the first meeting in the new school year. If we don’t have a slate of officers for the upcoming school year, we will be forced to dissolve the club.
Key issues that will be neglected should the club be dissolved include: Lack of financial assistance which will mean a cutback of workshops and field trips. Lack of organization activities for productions leaving the teachers the added responsibility of getting volunteers to sell tickets, and getting assistance with set builds. Equipment purchases like the lights and sound provided for the Black Box Theatre. Refreshments/Concessions at productions, and on Long Saturday Social. Interaction of both parents and students.
All parents and students are requested to attend the Spring Social scheduled for March 14th in the school cafeteria at 6:00PM. The club will again provide the meat entrée of Fried Chicken. You will need to contact Regina Sinclair, club secretary with the information of how many in your family plan to attend so that we will have enough chicken and what you will bring; such as a side dish, dessert, paper products, or soda pop with ice.

Regina Sinclair,
Club Secretary


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