Monday, February 13, 2006

Meeting Cancelled.

Please note that the Stage 1 Rocket Boosters Club Meeting scheduled for February 14th, in the School Cafeteria, at 7:00PM, has been CANCELLED.

There will be an important letter coming to you via U.S. Postal Mail within the next couple of weeks. Please be sure to review it.

Reminder that our March 14th Meeting will also be a Spring Social Pitch-In. You will need to inform us of how many in your family plan to attend (so that we can get enough Fried Chicken) and if you will be bringing a dessert, side dish, paper products, or pop & ice. This meeting will be at an earlier time of 6:00PM in the cafeteria.

Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day and be looking for the letter.

Regina Sinclair


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