Thursday, February 23, 2006

IPS Sport Magnet and TITLE IX

The following is my personal feeling on the IPS Sport Magnet program and not one necessarily of the Stage 1 Boosters or PTA.

The IPS Sport Magnet proposal is illegal.

The plan of eliminating certain sports so that it causes an unequal balance between boy's sports and girl's sport is illegal based on the "TITLE IX, Education Amendments of 1972".

The TITLE IX, was design to make sure girls had the same opportunity, at governmentally funded schools, to participate in sports. When IPS takes away "girls" sports, IPS will be violating the TITLE IX law.

Please take the time to educate yourself about TITLE IX, it may be the only way to save sports at Broad Ripple, and other IPS schools.

Womens Sport Foundation - "Playing Fair - Guide to Title IX"

-David Dorsett


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