Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Raisin in the Sun Volunteers Needed.

We need volunteers for ticket & concessions sells for the Raisin in the Sun production in the auditorium this weekend; Friday Night and Saturday Night at 7PM, and a Matinee on
Sunday at 2PM.

If you do ticket sells, you will need to arrive 30-45 minutes early, and it would be good for concessions as well for selling before the show and then again during intermission. Food & drinks are not allowed in the new auditorium.

Please reply to this email and I will forward; or send to Kris Owens at Those that volunteered at the last meeting are as follows:

John & Sheila Kaellner - Ticket Sellers - Sunday
Tracy Cork - Ticket Seller - Saturday
Kim Williams - Concessions - Friday
Mary Jane Brown - Concessions - Saturday
Tracy Cork - Concessions - Sunday
Roz Miller - As Needed - Friday & Sunday

Thanks to all of you for your assistance. ras


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