Stage 1 Boosters Meeting Minutes
JANUARY 10, 2006
Those in attendance at the meeting called to order at 7:00PM included Nancy Craig, Kim, Karin, Kris & Karolyn Williams, Sylvia & Cortnee Grider, Tracy Cork, Kris Owens, Phyllis Dowe, Mary Jane & Will Brown, Sandy Reiberg, Carol & Eva d’Ambrosio, Roseann Spisak, Matt Dowden, Regina Sinclair, John, Sheila, Sean & Derek Kaellner.
Mary Jane Brown started the meeting with a welcome and turned over to Kris & Carol to recap the Holiday Tree Sales we sold approximately $1259.00 worth of trees, but paid $960.00 and with the 15 trees that remained we lost approximately $300-$500. This was noted as poor response from the students each selling a tree.
It was brought up that the Boosters may be better as a representation of the Thespian Society than the Theatre Magnet as a whole. Mr. Owens also supervises the Thespian society and they seem more inclined to participate, therefore Boosters would benefit those that want to be involved other than students just looking for an easy class. Majority of the members that attend meetings have students that are graduating and we are trying to anticipate for next year’s involvement. The Bylaws will need to be reviewed to see that aspect of the change. We are raising funds for 60 students, instead of a possible 10 to 12 that may be more dedicated. Mr. Owens sponsors in the Society now approximately 10 to 15 students. Dues are $21.00 for all four years of high school and show a financial commitment by the student; plus the Thespian society has volunteered to fund $11.00 of the dues so that the student is only paying $10.00. Our goal is not to eliminate the Boosters, but there is major concern about participation and we need to redefine the focus. Thespians are on a point system and freshmen are usually not eligible until 2nd semester. The Boosters just want to make people aware of the possibility of the change. It will make a smaller; better, easier to manage so much more as a small group.
We were unable to participate in the Indy Fringe Festival last year as the students just returned from Scotland. They are looking at four possible high schools to participate this year. We would have a 90 seat venue at Indy Sports on Massachusetts Avenue, and we will get the box office after our expenses are charged. The Fringe is even looking at the possibility of waiving the maximum $200 entry fee for the high schools. Four performances would net a good profit and this would be a fantastic fundraiser. Seniors will probably not be able to support this endeavor as they will be starting college so again this is a necessity to getting the underclassmen involved.
Mr. Owens offered to show the new auditorium to those interested after the meeting.
Windows are complete in the Theatre Classroom where the Black Box Theatre is located and Debut will be held.
Volunteer sign-up sheet was posted and it was noted that there would be a necessity for volunteers not only for Debut, but that there would be four performances of Raisin in the Sun. They are anticipating more ticket sells than normal as this is a very popular show, there will be two casts, and it will be in the new auditorium. Tech Saturday will be January 21st for Set Building from 9:00AM to 5:00PM, and then Debut will be that evening at 7:00PM. Long Saturday for Raisin In the Sun will be on Saturday, January 28th from 9:00AM to 9:00PM. There should not be any need for costumes, only props for this production. Students will need to Brown Bag as Pizza will not be provided.
Mrs. Reiberg has stated that there is not enough time to do the Fashion Show with back-to-back events already planned for the new auditorium of the Talent Show, Raisin In the Sun, musical Little Shop of Horrors, Reckless, and Ripples all in a four month period. She will not approve at this time and this event will have to be tabled until next year. It was a good fund raiser, the students pulled it together, and the entire school was involved and with a little more organization and more participation could be a huge event.
Reminder to Scotland participants that they have promised 75 volunteer hours and there is a tally sheet put together by Regina in which you and your student need to verify. Remember meeting hours are included for all those in the family that attends.
Since the Holiday Social was such a good turn out, we will repeat for the St. Patrick’s Day Holiday. The Boosters will again provide Chicken and this will be a pitch-in.
It was brought up that one of our fundraisers was to be seasonal photos during lunch mods, taking pictures with a Polaroid at a cost of 1 for $3 or 2 for $5. Ideals included New Year’s Celebration, Debut, Raisin In the Sun, and a $100.00 bill cut-out. It was decided to just utilize props, not necessarily backdrops or possibly just some Theatre Masks. Carol and Kim volunteered to be parent sponsors and help work on a backdrop with the students. This will need student volunteers to work during lunch mods and one parent to sponsor. Student volunteers included Cortnee, Will, Eva, and Karin. Lunch mods run from 10:30AM to 1:30 PM. The Junior Class last year made approximately $600 last Valentine’s Day. It is better if this is a week long event that will run January 30th thru February 3rd.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:09 PM. The next meeting will be on February 14th in the School Cafeteria at 7:00PM.
Regina Sinclair
JANUARY 10, 2006
Those in attendance at the meeting called to order at 7:00PM included Nancy Craig, Kim, Karin, Kris & Karolyn Williams, Sylvia & Cortnee Grider, Tracy Cork, Kris Owens, Phyllis Dowe, Mary Jane & Will Brown, Sandy Reiberg, Carol & Eva d’Ambrosio, Roseann Spisak, Matt Dowden, Regina Sinclair, John, Sheila, Sean & Derek Kaellner.
Mary Jane Brown started the meeting with a welcome and turned over to Kris & Carol to recap the Holiday Tree Sales we sold approximately $1259.00 worth of trees, but paid $960.00 and with the 15 trees that remained we lost approximately $300-$500. This was noted as poor response from the students each selling a tree.
It was brought up that the Boosters may be better as a representation of the Thespian Society than the Theatre Magnet as a whole. Mr. Owens also supervises the Thespian society and they seem more inclined to participate, therefore Boosters would benefit those that want to be involved other than students just looking for an easy class. Majority of the members that attend meetings have students that are graduating and we are trying to anticipate for next year’s involvement. The Bylaws will need to be reviewed to see that aspect of the change. We are raising funds for 60 students, instead of a possible 10 to 12 that may be more dedicated. Mr. Owens sponsors in the Society now approximately 10 to 15 students. Dues are $21.00 for all four years of high school and show a financial commitment by the student; plus the Thespian society has volunteered to fund $11.00 of the dues so that the student is only paying $10.00. Our goal is not to eliminate the Boosters, but there is major concern about participation and we need to redefine the focus. Thespians are on a point system and freshmen are usually not eligible until 2nd semester. The Boosters just want to make people aware of the possibility of the change. It will make a smaller; better, easier to manage so much more as a small group.
We were unable to participate in the Indy Fringe Festival last year as the students just returned from Scotland. They are looking at four possible high schools to participate this year. We would have a 90 seat venue at Indy Sports on Massachusetts Avenue, and we will get the box office after our expenses are charged. The Fringe is even looking at the possibility of waiving the maximum $200 entry fee for the high schools. Four performances would net a good profit and this would be a fantastic fundraiser. Seniors will probably not be able to support this endeavor as they will be starting college so again this is a necessity to getting the underclassmen involved.
Mr. Owens offered to show the new auditorium to those interested after the meeting.
Windows are complete in the Theatre Classroom where the Black Box Theatre is located and Debut will be held.
Volunteer sign-up sheet was posted and it was noted that there would be a necessity for volunteers not only for Debut, but that there would be four performances of Raisin in the Sun. They are anticipating more ticket sells than normal as this is a very popular show, there will be two casts, and it will be in the new auditorium. Tech Saturday will be January 21st for Set Building from 9:00AM to 5:00PM, and then Debut will be that evening at 7:00PM. Long Saturday for Raisin In the Sun will be on Saturday, January 28th from 9:00AM to 9:00PM. There should not be any need for costumes, only props for this production. Students will need to Brown Bag as Pizza will not be provided.
Mrs. Reiberg has stated that there is not enough time to do the Fashion Show with back-to-back events already planned for the new auditorium of the Talent Show, Raisin In the Sun, musical Little Shop of Horrors, Reckless, and Ripples all in a four month period. She will not approve at this time and this event will have to be tabled until next year. It was a good fund raiser, the students pulled it together, and the entire school was involved and with a little more organization and more participation could be a huge event.
Reminder to Scotland participants that they have promised 75 volunteer hours and there is a tally sheet put together by Regina in which you and your student need to verify. Remember meeting hours are included for all those in the family that attends.
Since the Holiday Social was such a good turn out, we will repeat for the St. Patrick’s Day Holiday. The Boosters will again provide Chicken and this will be a pitch-in.
It was brought up that one of our fundraisers was to be seasonal photos during lunch mods, taking pictures with a Polaroid at a cost of 1 for $3 or 2 for $5. Ideals included New Year’s Celebration, Debut, Raisin In the Sun, and a $100.00 bill cut-out. It was decided to just utilize props, not necessarily backdrops or possibly just some Theatre Masks. Carol and Kim volunteered to be parent sponsors and help work on a backdrop with the students. This will need student volunteers to work during lunch mods and one parent to sponsor. Student volunteers included Cortnee, Will, Eva, and Karin. Lunch mods run from 10:30AM to 1:30 PM. The Junior Class last year made approximately $600 last Valentine’s Day. It is better if this is a week long event that will run January 30th thru February 3rd.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:09 PM. The next meeting will be on February 14th in the School Cafeteria at 7:00PM.
Regina Sinclair
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