Friday, May 05, 2006

From the PTA

Each graduate will receive EIGHT tickets to graduation at the time they receive their CAP & GOWN.

Mr Wilson (math), Mrs Moulton, Mrs Cumberlander, Col. Wildemood (JROTC)... if you know them, consider sending a note to school thanking them for their years of service.

Mr Papeshs’ last day June 1; Reports downtown to be (1 of 3) Director of Middle Schools, mid June. New Principal Greg Allen. Mrs Bogard will be going to Tech as Principal.

Teachers have been notified whether they are RIF (reduction in force: no contract with IPS) or Displaced (may have job but may not be at same school). Could not reduce Math or Science, chose not to reduce Social Studies and English because of testing... Took us down to reducing electives by 29 staff members. 14 were RIF’d, 15 displaced.

We are down to (had 5) 3 foreign language teachers + 1 Hebrew class; (5) 3 PE, 1 Art, (2) 1 Theatre, 1 family/consumer science, (5) 3 music: band, orchestra, choral (only will offer choir 1 & 2), (4) 3 counselors and (2) 1 dean. We offer 4 AP classes: physics, calculus, biology and

Electives will be opened across small schools; counselors will have to divide up and “cross” small schools.

Dr White is giving sports a 1 year reprieve; each team will be evaluated based on fielding minimum required players (i.e., golf requires 5) AND that the larger sports like football, basketball, soccer, track, softball, baseball, volleyball, ?? will have to field Freshman, Jr Varsity AND Varsity teams. We discussed private schools “recruiting” players from middle schools. It is against IHSAA rules for a public school to allow a private school coach in the building to talk to
individual players. A coach can talk to a team as a whole with coaches permission. Coaches are not to approach individuals and offer money. IHSAA will only investigate if a parent files a complaint, not a school.

Janet Meyer clarified the process. Counselors usually choose 4 students, looking first for students whose parents have been involved in pta/school activities AND who have not received any other scholarships. With new counselors this year process was disrupted. PTA is awarding two scholarships.

INDYGO is offering a summer youth BUS PASS... $25 unlimited rides for 3 months, June 1-Aug 31, valid for youth 18 and younger (must show student id). This is a savings of $50! Available in person at IndyGo Customer Service at City Market or or 635-3344.

May 5 & 6 Ripples, 7 pm.
May 7 Bryanna Williams & Matthew Mosley recital
May 9 8 am Ripple Roundup. Academic awards. By invitation.
7 pm Major Work (all vocal groups performing 1 piece) at Broadway UMC;
7 pm VH-1 Concert (orchestra & jazz ensemble) at Fairgrounds
May 10 6:30 pm Key Club Initiation
May 11 AP testing begins, Senior finals begin
May 12 5pm IPS Talent Show at Attucks
7 pm Dance Recital
May 13 10am-4pm IPS Multi-cultural International Festival
May 15 6 pm Quartet performs at IN Roof
May 16 Senior Books returned
Alissa Davis recital
May 17 Seniors last day
6:30 pm Seniors / Parent Reception
May 19 7 pm Senior Student Showcase
May 20 Prom @ Fountain Square - Jrs/Srs BUY YOUR TICKETS!
May 22 8 am on football field Senior/Parent Breakfast
9:30ish Cap & Gown and Graduation Ticket distribution (8 tickets each)
Undergrad finals begin
May 23 7:30 am MANDATORY Graduation Rehearsal - don’t show? - don’t go thru graduation
6 pm Graduation - it’s only 1 HOUR - don’t be late, besides being rude and noisy, you’ll miss the best part-the students processing in is awesome!
May 25 6 pm Spring Sports Banquet
May 27 All City Band in 500 Parade
May 30 Undergrads return books.
PTA sponsored Staff Luncheon 10:30-1:30
May 31 Last FULL DAY of school. Report cards will be given to students

Juli Van Wyk
BRHS PTA Secretary



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