Friday, March 31, 2006

Notes from the PTA

Mr Papesh's last day will be June 30th. Downtown is asking for parent volaunteers to sit on the interview team for our new principal, Wed, April 12, 4:30-possibly 9/10 pm, Educ. Service Ctr, 120 E Walnut. Call Mr Papesh at 693-5708 to volunteer. Many parents expressed the opinion
that since Dr White didn't want our opinion on reassigning Mr Papesh, why would he now want our input on a new principal. A petition was sent downtown signed by all but ONE staff person requesting that Mr Papesh remain in place. I have a petition ready to mail with 90 parent
signatures gathered via email and the Winter Sport Banquet. At this point if you haven't signed but want your opinion heard, you will have to email Dr White and the board at and

SPRING BREAK begins with dismissal today. Be safe and relax and enjoy!

PTA MEETING Mon Apr 10, 6 pm in the Mini Aud

RIPPLES rehearsals are in full swing. RIPPLEs will be held Mayu 5 and 6

STAFF REDUCTIONS. Staff were notified yesterday of possible reductions: 26 at Broad Ripple - 35% of our staff and about the same percentage in the Magnet. We will probably get some of those positions back; that always happens.

Trip To College, a Web site for Indiana parents that provides comprehensive, step-by-step assistance with the college planning and funding process. At you will find a college planning timeline; facts, figures and information about preparing and paying for your
child’s college education; information on Indiana colleges; and more. Paying for college is the single biggest concern that most parents have in the planning process. Regardless of your financial satiation, Trip to College is designed to walk you through the options in paying for

Milton Britton - Butler - three Prelude scholarships plus many others
Amanda Craig - McAllister (pardon spelling?) in St Paul, MN -scholarships
John Melind - Wabash - Top 10 Day and Presidential Scholarships
Matthew Payne - Kansas City Art Institute in Kansas City, Missouri -
Merit Scholarship
Let's hear from other senior parents... what is your child doing next year?

Juli Van Wyk
BRHS PTA Secretary


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