Reminder for Volunteers for this weekend’s Musical Little Shop of Horrors concessions of flowers, candy and water included for Friday – Kim Williams, Mary Jane Brown, and Matt Dowden; Saturday – Debbie Brown, Tracy Cork and Lela Livingston.
Mary Jane Brown started the meeting with a welcome and stated the main duty of this meeting was to vote to change the bylaws to have elections in the Spring previous to the following school year. Regina Sinclair motioned for this change; it was seconded by Nancy Craig, and passed unanimously. This was necessary due to most of the officers had Seniors this year and would not be available for next year’s positions.
Mary Jane read aloud the letter that was sent home via the students and via email stating the consequences and necessity for this change. It was stated how very important it was that we get officers established for the current officers to be able to assist in the transition. Each position duties were explained by the current officers and how the burden could be easier if it was shared. It was explained that the Social situation seemed our best opportunity to state the necessity and urgency of having a slate of officers. A count was conducted of parents attending and there were 5 Freshman parents, 5 Sophomore parents, and 3 Junior parents. Those parents that stated they would consider the positions for voting next month included:
President – Tracy Cork
Co-Vice-President – Debbie Brown & John Kaellner
Treasure – Sheila Kaellner
Secretary – Annette Hunt
Mrs. Reiberg asked for a round of applause for those officers that are currently serving.
Order forms were passed out to save $2.00 on ticket purchases to Reckless and volunteer opportunities will be planned at the next meeting.
Volunteers for this weekend’s Musical Little Shop of Horrors concessions of flowers, candy and water included for Friday – Kim Williams, Mary Jane Brown, and Matt Dowden; Saturday – Debbie Brown, Tracy Cork and Lela Livingston.
Mary Jane Brown started the meeting with a welcome and stated the main duty of this meeting was to vote to change the bylaws to have elections in the Spring previous to the following school year. Regina Sinclair motioned for this change; it was seconded by Nancy Craig, and passed unanimously. This was necessary due to most of the officers had Seniors this year and would not be available for next year’s positions.
Mary Jane read aloud the letter that was sent home via the students and via email stating the consequences and necessity for this change. It was stated how very important it was that we get officers established for the current officers to be able to assist in the transition. Each position duties were explained by the current officers and how the burden could be easier if it was shared. It was explained that the Social situation seemed our best opportunity to state the necessity and urgency of having a slate of officers. A count was conducted of parents attending and there were 5 Freshman parents, 5 Sophomore parents, and 3 Junior parents. Those parents that stated they would consider the positions for voting next month included:
President – Tracy Cork
Co-Vice-President – Debbie Brown & John Kaellner
Treasure – Sheila Kaellner
Secretary – Annette Hunt
Mrs. Reiberg asked for a round of applause for those officers that are currently serving.
Order forms were passed out to save $2.00 on ticket purchases to Reckless and volunteer opportunities will be planned at the next meeting.
Volunteers for this weekend’s Musical Little Shop of Horrors concessions of flowers, candy and water included for Friday – Kim Williams, Mary Jane Brown, and Matt Dowden; Saturday – Debbie Brown, Tracy Cork and Lela Livingston.
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