Stage1 Boosters Meeting Minutes
Those in attendance at the meeting called to order at 7:12PM included Kim Williams, Mary Jane Brown, Tracy L. Cork, Roseann Spisak, Phyllis Dowe, Sylvia Grider, Carol d’Ambrosia, Debby Brown, Sheila, John, Derek & Sean Kaellner, and Regina Sinclair.
Mary Jane Brown started the meeting with a welcome and stated the main duty of this meeting was to vote to have elections; however, there are not enough members in attendance to hold the election so they will be held in May at the Summer Social.
It was suggested at the Board meeting that there be a meeting during the middle of the summer for both the past officers and the new officers to assist with next year’s planning. Eva d’Ambrosia motioned elections be at the next meeting, it was seconded by RoseAnn Spisak and passed unanimously. It was stated that two parents for each officer position help lighten the load and works out well as different grade parents to train on-the-job for the next year. It was suggested we send out a letter asking for volunteers for positions to keep as co-chair. It will also be good to let them know about the pitch-in.
Booster parent Kaellner asked about having magnet the program next year, and it was explained that this is standard operating procedure from past years. It just goes to show how important this club is to keeping the program and enabled the details to make productions a success and a great experience in this program.
It was mentioned for both parents and students need to update Scotland fundraising hour’s participation. Mr. Owens stated he mailed packets out on April 7th instead of the intended March 31st, with a newsletter.
Fundraising opportunities sign-up sheet is available, please sign up. We are going to try to thwart the outside vendors from selling flowers. We will also be selling water. Mrs. DeBruicker will be contacted by Carol d’Ambrosia regarding a slip or note saying to purchase inside the building from the Theatre Boosters. Students will be needed to volunteer for the water sales. Regina will also send out an email asking for volunteers.
Reckless will be April 21st and 22nd at 7:00PM, there is an order form for presale or advance tickets. Previous years Booster Club did season tickets and it helped with up front costs. They will be at “will call” with their name on a list. Long Saturday will be this weekend, April 15th, crew from 9AM to 9PM, and we will not be providing pizza. It was suggested that the Broad Ripple Gazette be allowed to take pictures previous to the show to help advertise. The Star has been doing articles by neighborhood areas featuring school programs, maybe we can get them involved. Juli Van Wyk will probably put in the PTA newsletter.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:41PM.
Mary Jane Brown started the meeting with a welcome and stated the main duty of this meeting was to vote to have elections; however, there are not enough members in attendance to hold the election so they will be held in May at the Summer Social.
It was suggested at the Board meeting that there be a meeting during the middle of the summer for both the past officers and the new officers to assist with next year’s planning. Eva d’Ambrosia motioned elections be at the next meeting, it was seconded by RoseAnn Spisak and passed unanimously. It was stated that two parents for each officer position help lighten the load and works out well as different grade parents to train on-the-job for the next year. It was suggested we send out a letter asking for volunteers for positions to keep as co-chair. It will also be good to let them know about the pitch-in.
Booster parent Kaellner asked about having magnet the program next year, and it was explained that this is standard operating procedure from past years. It just goes to show how important this club is to keeping the program and enabled the details to make productions a success and a great experience in this program.
It was mentioned for both parents and students need to update Scotland fundraising hour’s participation. Mr. Owens stated he mailed packets out on April 7th instead of the intended March 31st, with a newsletter.
Fundraising opportunities sign-up sheet is available, please sign up. We are going to try to thwart the outside vendors from selling flowers. We will also be selling water. Mrs. DeBruicker will be contacted by Carol d’Ambrosia regarding a slip or note saying to purchase inside the building from the Theatre Boosters. Students will be needed to volunteer for the water sales. Regina will also send out an email asking for volunteers.
Reckless will be April 21st and 22nd at 7:00PM, there is an order form for presale or advance tickets. Previous years Booster Club did season tickets and it helped with up front costs. They will be at “will call” with their name on a list. Long Saturday will be this weekend, April 15th, crew from 9AM to 9PM, and we will not be providing pizza. It was suggested that the Broad Ripple Gazette be allowed to take pictures previous to the show to help advertise. The Star has been doing articles by neighborhood areas featuring school programs, maybe we can get them involved. Juli Van Wyk will probably put in the PTA newsletter.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:41PM.
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