Tuesday, August 22, 2006

BRHS - PTA Update

Thanks to the 15 parents representing ALL four small schools who attended the PTA meeting tonight. We learned alot!

Athletic Events This Week:

8/21 - Varsity Soccer - Girls @ Decatur Central - 5 pm
Boys @ Decatur Central - 6:30 pm
8/21 - Girls Golf - @ Northwest - 3:15 pm
8/22 - Varsity/Freshman Girls Volleyball @ Ritter - 4:30 pm
8/24 - Boys/Girls Cross Country - home v. Tech - 4 pm
8/25 - Varsity Football - @ Richmond - 7 pm

Club Meetings:
Key Club (service club) will meet on Mondays
Brain Game - Tu, Aug. 22, after school (Room H119)
Publications - Tu, Aug. 22, after school (Room G211)
Contemporary Gospel Choir - Tu, Aug. 22, after school (Rm C166)
Student Council - Wed, Aug. 23, after school (Room H119)

Congratulations Girls Golf! The Girls Golf Team have won three of their four matches. In their second match against Tech Katie Crist was medalist with a 44. Heidi Meyer, Natalie Monaghan, and Morgan Smith all had personal bests. Way to go, Lady Rockets!

Any boy or girl interested in running Cross Country should see Coach Dearth in Room D312! Practice is at 2:45 and all runners should meet on the track, dressed and ready to go.

Gentlemen - if you are looking for something to do after school, why not check out Boys Tennis? No experience is necessary! Simply see Coach Todd in the Gym for more information and to sign up.

BOYS and GIRLS SOCCER - Good luck against Decatur Central! FOOTBALL - Tough luck on the home field v. Chatard. Brought to you by The Lettermen's Club, who remind you that if you're not an athlete, then at least be an athletic supporter!

CATCH THE ROCKET SPIRIT!!! This is the best deal of the year for sports fans of all ages! All sport - all season passes are now available! Student all-sport passes are only $30.00, adult all-sport passes are only $55.00, and a family all-sport pass is only $105.00. Come support
all our teams by purchasing your pass - passes are available at the ticket booth at all home games!

IndyFringe UPDATE! The BRHS Theatre Program will be presenting Left of Center at this year's IndyFringe Festival. The play was written and directed by Eva d'Ambrosio, class of '06, and stars many current (and a couple of former) BRHS theatre students. The play will be presented on Sunday, August 27, at 8:00 pm; Thursday, August 31, at 6:30 pm; and Saturday,
September 2, at Noon. All performances will be at the ComedySportz Club on Mass Ave. Admission is $13.00 - $10.00 for the play and $3.00 for the Fringe pass required for admission to any Fringe event. Hope to see you there!

ALL small schools will offer a study table one day a week after school for students needing a little extra help. 2:45-4:15; activity bus available WITH PASS showing you attended.

It's early but FREE TUTORING 247-IGEO

BEST BUDDIES... one on one friendship with a disabled student. Watch and listen for more information.

GOVERNOR's INSight 4 INShape. Requirements - sophomore, junior or senior with 95% attendance, 2.5 gpa, must be involved with a minimum of one other after school activity and have 3 student and 3 teacher recommendations.

ISTEP/GQE Sept 19-21. ISTEP is for 9th graders; GQE is for 10th graders and any juniors/seniors who did not pass one or both sections of GQE in the past.

Remember to recycle your mails, newspaper and magazines in the bin in the front of the school. It's picked up monthly and proceeds are divided amongst the small schools. Support your school, help the environment and get rid of your recyclables!

Current enrollment is about 1,160 kids. Hoping to get another 280 to get our current staffing. We have an average of 30 students to 1 teacher ratio.

Athletic Booster Club still looking for parents - ESPECIALLY ATHLETES AND THEIR PARENTS - to help work concessions. It was a busy, hectic night Fri. against Chatard - but we love taking their money!!

Homecoming and Senior Night is Sept 29

YES Lunch is now $1.75. A yellow flyer was handed out to the students - ASK THEM!

AVID is a new program. Each school nominated 10 sophomores who would benefit from this. Parents were invited to an information session and opportunity to sign up their kid. Meets once a day and helps the B/C or C student achieve higher grades. If you have a sophomore you think
would benefit from some extra guidance / motivation, email and we'll get your name to the appropriate person and see if there are still openings.

Juli Van Wyk
BRHS PTA Secretary


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