Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Polar Bear Run & Walk

We need volunteers to help work the Polar Bear Run & Walk this weekend - Saturday February 26.

I would need everyone at the Indiana War Memorial 7:45 A.M.

Duties: It would be great if everyone could be flexible, but we really need help with Rest & Recovery and Course Directionals. Completion of the duties will be at 11:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M.

Volunteer Area:
Enter the main entrance on Michigan Street. Turn left when you enter the building and go toward the double doors (the MacArthur room). Once you reach the double doors, turn right and in that hallway you will see the Volunteer Check-in area.

What I Need:
I will need the names, ages, and t-shirt sizes of the people who would like to help.

Volunteers will recieve a free event t-shirt and free refreshments the morning of the event. They will also recieve a free meal coupon for Fazoli's (they will be at the event). Also, they can sign up to have a chance at winning prizes. Also, if we can get 10+ volunteers, you will recieve a donation from us!

If you have any questions, please contact me at:
317-250-9735 (Cell Phone, Any Time)
317-884-4001 (Work Phone, 9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.) (E-Mail)

Please let Karen Carmichael know you will be there to help.


Blogger DDorsett said...

Karen Carmichael stated that we should get $10.00 per person that
worked the Polar Bear Run and that there were 14 volunteers. It was
decided that we would not volunteer for the run on Sunday, March 13th,
until those funds were received. Karen is meeting with Long people
regarding further participation in runs and their assisting with our Pancake
Breakfast/Walk/Run on Tuesday, March 15th.

2:59 PM  

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